Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Burrows / Auger Debate

The NHL is abuzz with news and interpretations about the Alex Burrows vs. Stephane Auger confrontation.

Here's a few takes:

- Bob McKenzie
- Ray Ferraro
- Puck Daddy

It's certainly worth nothing that Auger has a shady history, which includes the recent no-goal call in Detroit that was simply asinine, along with the infamous Shane Doan 10-minute misconduct for allegedly throwing out a racial slur against French-Canadians - a slur Doan has repeatedly and vehemently denied saying.

This will be a sticky situation for the NHL. Burrows is a player who tends to rub a lot of people, players, and certainly officials the wrong way, while Auger's past isn't exactly endearing to those trying to formulate their own opinions about the situation.

There's a lot of "he said / she said" going around between two unique characters, and it should make for a very interesting story going forward...

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