Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Team Canada Roster Announced

Not too shabby. 19 of the 23 players I selected were named to the team, and I was able to nail down the four captains.

The most notable omission here is Martin St. Louis. I am simply dumbstruck that they didn't include the dynamic winger on the team. He has grit, can develop chemistry with anybody, and always makes everyone around him better.

Overall, I don't have too many qualms. However, I do firmly believe that leaving the aforementioned St. Louis along with the Stars' Brad Richards off of the team is a big mistake.

The team Steve Yzerman constructed is big, strong, and talented, and should compete very well on an NHL sized ice rink.

Here's how I would project the potential lines and pairings:

Nash - Crosby - Iginla
Perry - Getzlaf - Staal
Heatley - Thornton - Marleau
Bergeron - Richards - Morrow

Boyle - Pronger
Doughty -Niedermayer
Seabrook - Keith


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