Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hockey in the States

Oh, to be a hockey fan in the States.

It seems like the only time ESPN gives hockey any air-time is when somebody either mutilates somebody else with a stick, gets hurt badly in a fight and they decide to talk about the validity of fighting, Sidney Crosby or Alexander Ovechkin have a big game, or something "ridiculous" happens in the hockey world.

I've come to accept this, and don't really expect it to change. There are plenty of other places I can get my hockey fix (mostly from north of the border), and most of the time I could care less that ESPN ignores hockey.

But sometimes something happens that just irritates the heck of out of me. For instance, tonight a hockey story actually made one of the top headlines on's main page.

The article is entitled "Puck naked: Tampa Bay Lightning strip it off for team unity."


Earlier today on, I saw a clip of Marty St. Louis continually missing penalty shots and having to take off an article of clothing with each miss. It was pretty funny. It was just a little side story, and far from a top-headline for TSN.

ESPN continually ignores hockey and then pushes this article onto the front page of their website?

Nothing about the Pens going to 8-1 and possibly losing Sergei Gonchar to a broken wrist? Nothing about the Habs snapping their five game losing streak? Nothing about Mikko Koivu being named Wild Captain?

Look, I can deal without these stories because I know most people in the States could care less. Nearly all of my friends, outside of those I've played hockey with, know very little about what's going on in the hockey world. If they see a game on TV, they're game to watch. They'll even admit nothing beats an NHL playoff game.

But, they just can't get as into it as they do for basketball, baseball, and football. I've fully accepted that. The bottom line is the game will never have the same roots in this country as a whole as it does in other places, namely Canada. Don't get me wrong, there are many U.S. cities where hockey thrives. But, there are nearly just as many cities undeserving of an NHL franchise.

I want to get across two points here:

For starters, ESPN, either report the game as it should be or don't at all. You made a quality play recently with the addition of Pierre Lebrun, and I thought you were on the right track. I understand that the only way hockey will ever make your front page headlines is if you're network is broadcasting the games. Until that point comes (maybe I should say, if it ever comes), please stop only featuring stupid, solely attention-grabbing headlines. It just makes our game look like a joke.

And lastly, NHL, cut the dead weight. There are plenty of Canadian cities who would love to get their hands on an NHL franchise. Phoenix, Atlanta, and Florida should definitely be moved, and there's plenty more that are candidates. Why try to build up a non-existent fan-base when there are plenty of cities north of the border that will unconditionally love an NHL franchise (ain't that right Toronto fans!). Not every city is going to be blessed with a Crosby, an Ovechkin, a Toews and a Kane, or a John Tavares. Fans in Canada will support their team even if their best active forward right now is Alexei Ponikarovsky (once again, sorry Toronto fans).

So ESPN, have some class. NHL (or should I say Gary Bettman), use some logic.

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